Face to face or video through Zoom... Worldwide!

For the Elite and Professional Athletes

Persistence in a positive mindset keeps the thoughts, actions and responses all working for you.

$1583 / month for 12 months

$19,000 (Australian)

$12,700 (USD) 

Includes all the benefits of the Athlete's Secret Weapon Program and the Elite Mindset Institute Enrolment and with the face to face support of Stuart Walter


Program Features

Delivers Amazing Results | Keeps you ahead of your opposition and Keeps the Momentum Rolling

Recommended for athletes who are at the elite and professional level or just broken through. Short of guaranteeing success, we will be very close with this, if you have the ability, skill and potential to achieve at the highest level, with your mind focused and me as your 'Weapon' it is going to be a fun ride!

Sessions: 2x 60min sessions 

Calls: 2 phone check ins per month 

Plus many additional benefits and stuff to keep you focused and powering.

This option commences with the Competitive Edge Program, all the benefits and focus of that are included here. If you choose the Bronze or Gold, you progress through the same system... because it works! 


Silver is precious and is in the realm of the Elite… This program delivers amazing results because it is the regular contact and ownership that combines to keep the momentum rolling.


Persistence in a positive mindset keeps the thoughts, actions and responses all working for you.

The Silver Program combines monthly sessions and alternate fortnightly calls to discuss the results, set new automatic responses that are future beneficial. We also begin the journey to load you with the knowledge and the tools to be able to manage the bulk of your potential issues by yourself.


At this level, I allow recording of sessions, phone, email access and many more benefits.

Additional options are also available including Interstate and International sessions, treatments, personal specific recordings and touring contracts, and upgrade to Gold when you are ready and invited.

All Silver and Gold programs are by application only. I have limited availability and want to ensure that you get the full support. If no spaces are available, you will be added to a wait list or you can proceed through the Bronze Program until a Silver or Gold position becomes

 Brisbane QLD 4017, Australia